mercredi 13 février 2013

Today on Wednesday we viseted horses farm. I saw a lot of horses. They were wonderful. I liked the pony best.

 Next months she will get a little baby.
Now I saw some winter activities what Estonian students are doing. They like skiinig, skating, sledging and every year they enjoyed different Strove Tuesday activities.

mardi 12 février 2013

On Sunday I made a trip in Põltsamaa. It is in the middle of Estonia, it is a small city. Their school is near Põltsamaa.
This is their school. It was in summer.
And now some pictures from Põltsamaa. There are a lot of parks, 16 bridges and a river.

There are private houses and block of flats.
 The most famous park is Friendship park. There I can saw a big Kalevipoeg`s horse and Kalevipoeg too. Gucio saw a lot of big Kalevipoeg`s mittens.
This is a very important monument for them. There  I can read some famous names.

On Monday there was a very snowy day. It was wonderful.

We made some snow statue.
I can rode a tractor. I can push snow.

On Tuesday at school was a Strove Tuesday. We went sledging and I can sledge too.

 This is me. I rode myself. I was a little bit scary.
We danced a long tail dance.
And at last I made pictures with gindergarden children. They are so nice.

We ate peasoup and buns.

vendredi 8 février 2013

Hi, I arrived to Estonia on Friday 1st February. It was a snowy day and students were very exciting.

Students made snow figure and I went and took some pictures.

On Tuesday they have Shrove Tuesday. I am looking forward it.